Brunn - John Brunn was born in Bavaria around 1798 and married Catherine Klipfel, daughter of Joseph Klipfel, in the village of Hausen near Schonungen, Bavaria. This family came to Ohio in 1844 and joined the Klipfel family already established in Pusheta Township, Auglaize County, Ohio. In 1846 triplets were born to this couple in Auglaize County; Francis Brunn survived to adulthood.
Focht - Adam Focht was a Pennsylvanian who came from Schuylkill County to Union Township, Auglaize County, Ohio with the Bitler family. Adam Focht had ten children; this research focuses on Samuel Focht, who held several local elective offices including Justice of the Peace. Samuel married first Mary Brethers and second Louisa Justice. Matilda Focht married James Bitler and remained in Pennsylvania. Son Adam Focht and wife Ursula Jane Bailey had two children, each of whom married members of the Taylor family of Uniopolis, Union Township, Auglaize County, Ohio: Josephine Focht married Howard Taylor; Oliver Perry Focht married Almeda Taylor.

Miller - Anton Miller and wife Anna Maria emigrated from Germany around 1835 with four children. Elizabeth Miller and Franziska Miller married the Klipfel brothers. Michael Miller served as Sheriff of Auglaize County in the 1850s; Anthony Miller was a farmer in Duchouquet Township in 1850.
Morey - About 1837 William P. Morey purchased land Auglaize County, bringing his family in the mid-1840s. Elected Justice of the Peace for Logan Township for 1851-1852, William died in accidently while building stable in 1852, leaving Rebecca Patterson Morey as a widow with eight children, including Andrew Jackson Morey, Martin Van Buren Morey, Stillman Morey, and Cyrus Morey. Coming with William P. Morey to Auglaize were John P. Sillin and wife Hannah Patterson. Rebecca Patterson Morey and Hannah Patterson Sillin were sisters, born in Licking County to Adam Patterson and Rebecca Moore.

Rammelmeyer - John Rammelmeyer married Franziska Miller Klipfel in 1853 in Auglaize County, Ohio after the death of her first husband Augustin Klipfel in 1851. Franziska and John Rammelmeyer were enumerated in the 1860 census in the sixth ward of Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio with seven children: four by Franziska's first marriage and three from John and Franziska's marriage. Franziska is thought to have died not long after 1860, leaving John Rammelmeyer the task of raising the family. In 1862, John married for a second time, to Christena Geisert, who brought with her children from a previous marriage. John and Christena had two sons, William H. and Franklin. John Rammelmeyer died in February 1899 in Piqua, Ohio.
Sillin - John P. Sillin and Hannah Patterson relocated to Auglaize County, Ohio before 1840, along with William P. Morey and wife Rebecca Patterson, a sister of Hannah. In 1852, John P. Sillin wrote a letter to the family in Licking County describing the accidental death of William P. Morey. John P. Sillin died in Moulton Township, Auglaize County in 1874.

Wehner - Franz Wehner and his children Joseph, Margaret, and Barbara were part of the wave of immigration from Bavaria to Auglaize County, Ohio in the early 1830s. Son Joseph Wehner married Margaret Klipfel in 1835; Margaret Wehner married Michael Franz while her sister Barbara Wehner married John Franz. This large family played a prominent role in the farming and merchant community of Auglaize County for years thereafter.