1822 Birthdate: The 1860
2904 and 1870
2905 census enumerations as well as the 1874 cemetery record
3060 from the Iowa WPA Project are consistent that Harrison's birth date would have been in 1822, with the cemetery record indicating 1 April 1822. Harrison was enumerated in the 1830 census
2375 as a "male between 5-10." However, Harrison's age in the 1850
2416 census enumeration (23 years) would indicate a birth date during 1827. This 1850 data is considered by this researcher to be incorrect. Parents Arthur and Mary Briggs were married
365 in Licking County, Ohio in 1818 and were recorded there in the 1820
2902 and 1830
2375 enumerations. Harrison's birth place is assumed to be Licking County, Ohio.
1830 U.S. Census:2375Licking County, Ohio (Burlington Township)
Head of Family •• Arthur Briggs
Males under 5 •• 1 << son Asa, about age 2
Males 5-10 •• 1 << son Harrison, about age 8Males 30-40 •• 1 << Arthur, about age 37
Females under 5 •• 1 << daughter Samantha, born about 1825
Females 10-15 •• 1 << daughter Waty, born about 1820
Females 30-40 •• 1 << wife Mary "Polly," about age 32
1840 U.S. Census:2108Licking County, Ohio (Burlington Township)
Head of Household •• Arthur Briggs
Males 5-10 •• 1 << son William P., about age 9
Males 10-15 •• 1 << son Asa, about age 12
Males 15-20 •• 1 << son Harrison, about age 18Males 40-50 •• 1 << Arthur, about age 47
Females under 5 •• 2 << daughter Naoma, about age 3, and one other
Females 15-20 •• 1 << daughter Samantha, born about 1825, later married William Paul
Females 20-30 •• 1 << daughter Waty born about 1820, later married Nelson Daily
Females 40-50 •• 1 << wife Mary "Polly," about age 42
1850 U.S. Census:Knox County, Ohio (Miller Township)
Enumerated 28 August 1850
Nelson Dailey2909 •• 35, male, farmer, born in New York
Waity •• 30, female, born in Ohio
<< daughter of Arthur & Mary Briggs Mary S. •• 6, female, born in Ohio, attended school within the year
Prudence •• 3, female, born in Ohio
Eliza •• 9 months, female, born in Ohio
. . . (Two intervening households)
Arthur Briggs2416 •• 57, male, farmer, real estate value $700, born in Massachusetts
Mary •• 52, female, born in Vermont
Harrison •• 23, male, farmer, born in Ohio << actually age 28 Asa •• 22, male, farmer, born in Ohio
William P. •• 19, male, farmer, born in Ohio
Naoma •• 13, female, born in Ohio, attended school within the year
William Paul •• 59, male, farmer, real estate value $3,000, born in Pennsylvania
Jane •• 59, female, born in Virginia
William Paul2940 •• 24, male, farmer, born in Virginia
Samantha •• 23, female, born in Ohio
<< daughter of Arthur & Mary Briggs Waity •• 2, female, born in Ohio
1852 Marriage:2937 Harrison Briggs married Cordelia Sooney in Johnson County, Iowa, on 28 October 1853.
1860 U.S. Census:2904Johnson County, Iowa (Washington Township, Frank Pierce Post Office)
Enumerated 29 June 1860
Harrison Briggs •• 38, male, farmer, real estate value $1,800, personal property value $300, born in Ohio
Cordelia •• 36, female, born in Indiana
William •• 5, male, born in Iowa
Arthur •• 4, male, born in Iowa
Elizabeth •• 2, female, born in Iowa
John •• 1, male, born in Iowa
1870 U.S. Census:2905Johnson County, Iowa (Washington Township, Frank Pierce Post Office)
Enumerated 5 July 1870
Harrison Briggs •• 48, male, white, farmer, real estate value $5,300, person property value $2,000, born in Ohio, male citizen over the age of 21
Cordelia •• 46, female, white, keeping house, born in Indiana
William •• 16, male, white, born in Iowa, attended school within the year
Arthur •• 14, male, white, born in Iowa, attended school within the year
Elizabeth •• 12, female, white, born in Iowa, attended school within the year
John •• 10, male, white, born in Iowa, attended school within the year
Joseph •• 8, male, white, born in Iowa, attended school within the year
Frank •• 4, white, born in Iowa
1874 Tombstone:3060 Frank Pierce Cemetery, Washington Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
Harrison Briggs
10 April 1874
52 years, 9 days
William and
Arthur were enumerated as miners in Rosita, Custer County, Colorado, in the 1880, 1900, 1910, and 1920 enumerations. They resided together and apparently never married.
John and
Joseph were in a mining accident described in the 8 March 1883 issue of The Sierra Journal and Rosita Index, 1881-1886 on p. 3, column 3 as: "A Sad Accident. A terrible accident occurred in the Midnight mine shaft just east of Querida, early this morning, which resulted in John and Joe Briggs being blown up. John is torn almost to pieces, and, it is thought, cannot live but a few hours, while Joe is seriously hurt, the telephone states. The accident was occasioned thus: The boys put in a heavy shot, last evening, which they supposed entirely exploded, but it would seem that the explosion was only partial. This morning they went down the shaft and commenced driiling out the hole; the sparks from their drill exploded the rest, and major portion, of the charge with the result indicated. LATER. As we go to press the telephone announces the death of John Briggs."
John is buried in Rosita Cemetery, Custer County, Colorado.