Phillips Bible Records
An American Adventure

This record from the Phillips Family Bible has most recently been in the possession of O. E. Phillips, Jr., great grandson of Jonathan M. Phillips, born 1808.

Left Column

Jonathan M. Phillips & Rachel Jane Suydam were joined in marriage Nov. the 7th A.D. 1847

Jonathan M. Phillips was born January the 11th 1808

Rachel J. Suydam was born Sept. the 15th 1820

Marietta Phillips, daughter of J. M. Phillips and Rachel J. Phillips his wife was born Feb. 8th A.D. 1850

Edward D. Phillips son of Jonathan M. & Rachel J. Phillips his wife was born August the 5th 1851

Marietta Phillips died April 9th 1853

Rachel Jane Phillips died May 9th 1856

Right Column

Edward D. Phillips and Lucy E. Bay were joined in marriage Nov. the 28th A.D. 1878

Lucy E. Bay was born March the 15th 1860

Irene L. Phillips was born January the 6th 1880

Aurie M. Phillips was born April the 23rd A.D. 1885

Otis Edward Phillips son of E. D. Phillips and Lucy E. Phillips his wife was born August 23rd A.D. 1891

Irene L. Phillips dide [!] June 28th 1886

Aurie Marie Phillips passed on July 30, 1908

Edward D. Phillips passed on October 20th 1912

Otis Edward Phillips and Helen Adele Cannady were joined in marriage May 25th 1914

Helen Adele Cannady was born in Chicago, Ill. June 4th, 1893

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