2005 Update on DNA Study
The results from the most recent Bachman / Bachmann / Baughman Y-Chromosome Study of thirty-five participants are in and reveal the promising nature of this research technique.
2002 Baughman - Bachman DNA Study
February 9, 2002, from J. Ross Baughman --
A wide-ranging DNA study of the Baughmans and Bachmans in America and Switzerland has been started in the last six months. So far, lab results from 20 specimen donors have yielded a fascinating chart of proven common roots. We now have compelling evidence that a single paternal ancestor gave rise to several American branches, and have been able to relink them to exact ancestral villages near Lake Zurich.
Baughmans are among the few pioneering family history groups pursuing this exciting new avenue of research, and our participation so far already puts us among the largest sample fields. It will become even more compelling with larger numbers, and more personally meaningful to your family if you have a suitable candidate.
Because of the specific chromosome that we are able to trace, participants must be male and have been born with the Baughman or Bachman surname. Because DNA labs approach this test in different ways, it will be necessary for any new people to join in with our same methods, sending their painlessly collected cheek swab to Oxford Ancestors in Oxford, England. Each person will have to pay for their own lab work. It will also be crucial, for two reasons, that each specimen sent in be marked "Part of the Baughman/Bachman Project": for the lowest possible group rate on the lab fee, and so that all of the results can be collated and finally analyzed by the Oxford scientists. For the sake of privacy and confidentiality, each person's results will be returned only to him. Your specific results will be known only to you until you choose to share them with the Project organizers in America.
Each participant will receive a striking color chart of the Y-line DNA from Oxford Ancestors, along with a background report on how the tests are analyzed. By also staying in touch with the American organizers, you will find out immediately if and how your code matches with other samples we already have, and certainly if any future donors are revealed as matches.
Learn more about the lab through their web site www.oxfordancestors.com, and register your interest in the project via e-mail directly to J. Ross Baughman. All of the project results will be published as a chapter in the upcoming 5th volume of J. Ross Baughman's research series, which will be entitled "The Chain Rejoined."