NameFrederick NEIGHMAN
Notes for Frederick NEIGHMAN
1817 Estate Release:1632 On 28 April 1817 Frederick Fromm and his wife Polly released their rights to the tract of land belonging to Frederick Fromm, deceased. The release names the legal heirs of Frederick Fromm as follows: "the said Frederick From dying intestate seized and possessed in fee of the said tract of land with the appurtenances which became the property of the legal heirs of the said deceased, which
Frederick and Jonas From, parties to these presents did take, at the appraisement, and which the remaining
heirs, to wit,
Frederick Neighman and Barbara his wife,
Daniel Frybarger and Catherine his wife,
Daniel Boone and Magdalena his wife,
Daniel Stem and Sally his wife,
Elizabeth From and
Susan From heirs and legal representatives of the said Frederick From, deceased, did by their pleas bearing the date the eighth day of April A.D. 1816, grant, sell, and release . . . " This document released Frederick and Polly From's share of the land to Jonas From for $2,444.71. It is likely this was done in preparation for Frederick and Polly's departure for Ohio.